Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Health Jam

In February, the Flying Carrot project had the opportunity to participate in Health Jam at Edith Wolford Elementary School in Black Forest. We were invited to teach the kids about cooking and nutrition. This was a unique opportunity in that we delivered education in a classroom setting with groups of about 25 children (4th and 5th graders). Having a captive audience allowed us to really tailor our nutrition messages and test a more formal curriculum. The lesson began with a seasonal identification game called "When does it grow?" Each child was given 2 pictures of fruits, vegetables, or herbs that are grown in Colorado Springs. They were able to discuss their cards amongst each other before dropping their cards into baskets labeled for the four seasons. Many of the kids were surprised to learn that nothing is harvested in the winter months (unless it's grown in a greenhouse). We also discussed how and where to find local food.

After the game, the kids rolled up there sleeves and got a lesson in pasta making. Flying Carrot volunteer, Kacia, kept their rapt attention as she demonstrated how to roll out the dough and process it through a hand-cranked pasta machine. Working in pairs, all the children got the experience of flouring, rolling, cutting, and drying pasta dough... and they LOVED it! Several children confided to me, "this is what I want to do when I grow up -- make food!" 

"I learned about team work in making pasta."

When pasta making was finished, the children reflected on what they learned from the day's lesson and got to taste a fresh pasta dish featuring local spinach, pumpkin, and garlic. Yummy!

"I learned you have to take your time in making food."
I felt very inspired by the students at Wolford Elementary. Their eagerness to learn about where their food comes from and how to cook it was incredible. Seems like we have some future chefs, gardeners, environmentalists and foodies in the making!